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Issue 10

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Issue 10

Driftless in an independent, submission-based magazine about food, art, and adventuring in the Midwest.

We could not be more excited to announce that Issue 10 is available for pre-order! This year’s Fall + Winter issue includes an interview with a Madison-based environmentalist about living a life with less waste, tips on foraging for and cooking with wild mushrooms, and a photo essay of some of the Midwest’s most beautiful landscapes reaching from South Dakota to Minnesota. All issues are on sale for $12 in our online shop through Monday, November 12th using the code midwest12!

For each issue, our contributor's creative talent continues to amaze and inspire us, and this publication would simply not be possible without them. Thank you again for your support and being part of the Driftless community.

Visit our online shop to pre-order your issue!

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